Amazing problem solving & innovation come from increased blood flow & relaxed environments.  Do it today, implement a mandatory "Walking Meeting" for all managers/leaders.  Best practice examples:
- Start with minimum of once per week
- Does not have to be far or fancy, has to be outside the office
- Have an agenda and a clear start and end time
- Keep the number of people small
- Be aware of speed (slow down)
- All people carry a pen/paper or smart phone device (record notes, comments, issues, actions, decisions, ideas, etc.)
- Track it, ask for feedback and evolve

Then watch the benefits grow.  Business, personal, health, etc.

At NexLev we ask all managers to do a weekly walking meeting.  Can be a one-on-one, or can be a team meeting. Companies like Google and CEOs like Steve Jobs are tremendous advocates of these.

Why not, it just makes sense.  Example:
- physiologically the human brain functions better when walking vs sitting
- sitting at a desk all day is bad for ergonomics
- best ideas are proven to not come from an office or a desk
- people are happier when doing things a little different (meetings at too often around a table)
- fresh air and being outside is more natural for humans
- etc. 

I just had my walking meeting which was a phone call (so by myself). Here are a few pics of what I walked by:

These images directly impacted how I relaxed while trying to problem solve to a "win - win" solution.  I wanted to stay out and during the call we took a yield-yield solution and turned it into a win-win (otherwise I would have accepted the yield-yield - a great investment of my time).

Take a look on the web to see all the supporting info for walking meetings. Here are a few links that are related:

Ted Talk - Take_a_walk 

Ted Blog - five thinkers who swore by walking meetings

Forbes - walking meetings can save your life

Creativefarm - walking meetings benefits