Every project has change, risk, stress - thus teams need to be re-assured, learn from mistakes and then move on.

We forget, every project is built on estimates.  Thus, every project will not go according to the original plan, we will hit bumps in the road, that is where the Managers and Team pull together, leverage their skills, adapt and overcome.

Be confident, collect your thoughts and keep the trust and collaboration. A team mantra is a great tool that can be utilized to "re-group and move forward"..... people may laugh, but laughing is also a great tool so leverage that too!!!

Simply put, a Mantra has the power to enhance positive energy.  Check out video below...

NOTE: if video link does not connect, goto:       http://www.jasontratch.com/

Few more links and comments on the power of a mantra............

Link below talks about a CEO that embraces mantras in his business, and shares a few that he uses: